luc tartar
Anna's Eyes (2019)
Les yeux d'Anna
mise à jour:

Traduction anglaise de William Snow.


Multimedia Writer-Translator-Editor



BA, Hampshire College, 1982, Interdisciplinary major in Translation & Communications, minor in Performing Arts. Translating Internship at the O.E.C.D, Paris.

Writing studies:  Screenwriting (R. Mckee/B. Yarr); Playwriting (Y. Reynaud); Short story (K. Spivack).


Recent Translations


Film, Television, Photography  

Screenplays/Series: 37 Secondes (A. Landois, S. Brun, 2022), Désordres (A. Landois, 2021), Infiniti (T. Poiraud, 2020), Le Bureau des légendes (Eric Rochant/TOP, 2016-20), Tokyo Shaking (O. Peyon, 2019), Casanova (Benoit Jacquot, 2017), Rodin (Jacques Doillon, 2016), Orpheus (Abd Al Malik, 2015), The Dancer (S. Di Giusto, 2015), Standing Tall (Emmanuelle Bercot, 2014), Yves Saint-Laurent (Jalil Lespert, 2013), Diary of a Chambermaid (Benoit Jacquot, 2013).

Books: Outside (S. Cornic, Carlotta Films, 2014); Women Are Heroes (J.R., Eds. Alternatives, 2009, 2011).

English texts and voice-over: Maison Champlain Museum in Brouage.



Plays: Evaporation(s), Camille Nauffray, 2023; Traces, Address to African Nations, Felwine Sarr,2020; Home Sweet Home,A. Lefebvre, 2017; Waltz, Eva Bondon, 2016; Are You There?, Karin Serres, 2016; Anna’s Eyes, Luc Tartar, 2015; Zelda and Scott, Renaud Meyer, 2014; She, Denis Lachaud, 2012; War Mother, A. Nysenholc, 2010; Ordinary Magic, W. Snow & J. Hafkin, 2009;        Pinocchio’s Tears, Pietro Pizzuti, 2004.

Publications: Actes du théâtre, bilingual review, Issues 1-92 (Entr'Actes/SACD, 1995-2016); editor, Contemporary French Theatre 1960-1992, N. Yaari.

Super-titles for Antigone, Ku Na’uka at ancient stadium of Delphi, Greece, July 2004.



Websites: for Le Phare CCN; Christian Rizzo L’Association Fragile.

Promotional material: for Carolyn Carlson (Théâtre de la Ville, Théâtre de Chaillot), Daniel      Larrieu (CCN de Tours), Philippe Decouflé (DCA);

Books: L'Esquisse, bilingual edition, Paris; Le Ballet, Boris Kochno.


Museums / Visual Arts

Catalogues: Brancusi, Scheidegger & Spiess, 2024; The Age of Albrecht Dûrer, Beaux-Arts de Paris Éditions, 2015; Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain: Beauté Congo, 2015; America Latina, 2013

Music Aurélien Dumont: La Fécondité de l’écart, Ensemble 2e2m, 2018


Political Science / Sociology / Human Sciences:

BooksLe Roman vrai, M. Scot, Presses de Sciences Po, 2022; The Key, C. Traks, Eds. Communicare, 2022; Identification and Citizenship in Africa, ed. S. Dalberto, R. Banegas, Routledge, 2021 (co-translated); Global Diplomacy. An Introduction to Theory and Practice, ed. T. Balzacq et al., Palgrave Macmillan, 2020; New Perspectives on the International Order, Bertrand Badie, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019; Resources and Applied Methods in International Relations, ed. G. Devin, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018; Healing Grief One Day at a Time, C. Fauré, Albin Michel, 2012; Travels into Burma, Ingrid Richon, Paris, 2012; Women Are Heroes, J.R., Eds. Alternatives, 2009 & 2011. Michelin Guides—Paris Red Guide; Wine Regions of France.

Articles Ceri-Sciences Po: Nigerian Confraternities to Conquer the World?, C. Cohen, 2021; Arab Youth, L. Bonnefoy, M. Catusse, 2021; The Moral Crusade and Anti-Pedophile Vigilantes in Russia, G. Favarel-Garrigues, 2017; Cosmic Consciousness and Nature from a Phenomenological Viewpoint, G. Hess, UNIL, 2017, The Mystery of Nature: Acentric Aesthetic Experience and the Ecological Self, G. Hess, UNIL, 2016; Nuclear Weapons: A Taboo Subject?, G. Serina, France-USA Media, 2016; An Inquiry into the Philosophy of the Technocene, B. Guillaume, 2015; Towards "Policed Multiculturalism"?: Counter-radicalization in France, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom, F. Ragazzi, 2014.


Articles / Grants / Seminars / Organizations:

Member of French Literary Translators Association:

& SACD (Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers)


Grants from Association Beaumarchais and SACD Translation Fund, 2012-2016.

Participant in TER seminar (Translating-Publishing-Presenting), La Chartreuse, Villeneuve.

Article on American Art Collections (in L’Amérique du Nord, Sélection du Reader’s Digest, Paris).

Article on Nijinsky’s Journal published in Ballet Review magazine.

Playwriting residency at the Centre Nat. des Ecritures du Spectacle, Villeneuve.

Panel moderator for "Internationalism in Dance", Philadelphia.

Playwriting grant from the French Ministry of Culture.

Consultant for TV documentary on Ballets Russes produced by La Sept, Paris.

Article on the Ballets Russes published in Ballet Review magazine.



French Government Ministries (Finance, Culture, Urban Planning), Ceri-SciencesPo (French Center for International Studies), S.A.C.D. (French Authors’ Rights Society), American Embassy in Paris, Fondation Cartier, Centre Pompidou, Beaux-Arts de Paris Éditions, Albin Michel, Odile Jacob, Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge, Columbia University Press, Christian Dior, Cerruti, Lanvin, Michelin, Disney, Pathé, Warner Bros, Thelma Films, Elle Driver, Les Films du Lendemain, SND Groupe M6, WY Productions, Les Productions du Trésor, La Sept-Arte.



Un extrait :

Interior Night.



My eyes 

My tongue

My womb

My core

Look at me 

What do you see?



Don’t talk to me anymore


Give me your hand


Hide your breasts 

Hide your hair 

And lower your eyes

Turn around 

Don’t look at me

It’s like you can see everything

Heart mind and soul

Inside our bodies 

Inside our lives

What we do where we go 

Our absences 

And even what we haven’t told you

It’s like you’re seeing us 

Robbing us

Eating us up 

Our brains

And the shirts off our backs 

Upside down

All mixed up



Turn around I said 

Don’t look at me


What have I done to you


You want to look at me 

Well take a good look

You haven’t seen anything yet

Get out

Beat it 



A fire.


La fille qui chante et la fille sur le toit, d'après En découdre (Lansman Editeur), spectacle mis en scène et joué par Jeannette Mogoun sera programmé les 27 et 28 mars 2025, dans le cadre de la rencontre artistique Bright Generations - ASSITEJ international, organisée par Scènes d'enfance - Assitej France, en collaboration avec le Théâtre Massalia à Marseille.

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